2013: let’s do this

The New Year always brings New Feelings.
I didn’t have a chance to do the deep introspection that I usually do on the first day of the year because I was working.
But that’s ok.
It was great to make money.
So I am thinking today about my Feelings.
I made up a tiny little list of how I imagine that I want this year to go.
I love goals because I feel like they are ways to record the little milestones so I actually know how I’m doing in life. 
A reference point, if you will. 
So here a few for this year.
1. be kind
2. be forgiving
3. be open
4. travel somewhere new
5. have an adventure
6. work hard where it matters
I’m trying to keep them simple so that they can apply to more than just one thing.
Today I want to be kind to my family, to be forgiving to those that have hurt me, to be open in what I am feeling with the people who matter, to go on a road trip, to take the sailing lesson I signed up for, and to work hard in school and in my relationships.
And I feel like it’s going to be a good year.
A friend told me that 23 is the best year. 
And so far it has been.
Not because of events, but because I am so sure of me.
I feel more like myself than I ever have.
And I’m excited to start this new year. 

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