Life is Swell

Today I spent the day in bed.
You know, sick stuff.

And yet I still feel as if I could write that book.
Because I have 14,000 things to be happy about.

Life is beautiful.
School is fabulous.
I got a lovely job.
I have amazing friends
{I mean, my mom has to scratch my back when I’m throwing up. But Jessica? What a gal.}
I have two wonderful parents.
I have 3 amazing brothers.
I have a pile of books by my bed.
I have everything I’ll ever need.

Besides a baby.
I still want a baby.
One that looks like this:

{ignore my creepy overly excited face that one}

or this:

Just a little update

Here I am.
Back in school.
Back in Provo.
There’s a lot going on these days.
I moved into a new house.
I have 4 new roomies.
And 3 new windows that let in so much sunshine it makes me giggle with happiness.
I found a new major.
It’s a permanent one, this time.
I mean it.
I was never absolutely sure about the rest.
But this one?
It’s exactly what I need to be doing.
And I feel great about it.
I have a new calling at church that screams of too much responsibility.
But I have 3 amazing ladies to help me out with all the work.
I’m sorta excited about it.
And that’s about it.

Post edit:
In response to the emails, the major is
Recreational Management and Youth Leadership with an emphasis in Therapeutic Recreation
and the calling is Relief Society president.

{For those of you who don’t know, the Relief Society is the largest women’s organization in the world. It is for LDS women, ages 18 and up, and it’s focus is building faith, strengthening homes and families, and serving others.}

A Piece of the Past

Today I found a time capsule that I made when I was in high school.
You know, the little film cans that you put a piece of paper in that you’ve folded up super tiny.
I’m guessing I made it in seminary {more about that here} and, by the handwriting, I was probably about 14 or 15.
It only had two things on it.
1. Be more outgoing
I’ve socked that one right out of the water.
I think that living on my own and having to choose to be friendly or be lonely has made me a bit more outgoing.
2. Grow closer to my Savior
I don’t usually wax religious on here, but I find it interesting that as a young teenager, I was interested in building a relationship with my Savior.
Isn’t time a funny thing?
I’m a completely different person than I was even 3 years ago.
I was just talking to my dad about how different I am from when I was 18.
I don’t even recognize myself.
It was fun to see how I felt about myself at age 14 by reading just a little slip of paper.
I’m going to do it again.
Why don’t you make a time capsule?
Write down what you want to be in 5 years? Or ten?

Ima Real Cowgirl

Once, I branded a cow.
For reals.
Here is my proof. (That’s me, in the red shirt, holding the branding iron.)
And it was actually a couple cows.
And, you know, I helped with some other stuff that needed to be done.
I know, I’m awesome.
It was the best day of my life.
And now all I want to do is marry a cowboy and live on a ranch.
Funny, how I never thought that I was interested in that sort of thing.
I love it.

Awkward Acknowledgements


Tonight I went to the hot tub
(never happening again. It made me itchy.)
with my posse
(more on them coming soon!)
and I saw this girl there.
I think I know her.
I mean, knew her.
I think my brother liked her once.
And I’m pretty certain we went to Girl’s Camp together.
She’s maybe 2 or more years older than me.
And her name is possibly Olivia.
Sitting less than 4 feet from each other, we did not acknowledge that maybe we might possibly know each other.
Because that’s weird.
It felt weird.
There was nothing I wanted to say.
And I always thought she was snobby anyways, so no need to get into that.
You know what I’m talking about?
It’s like, when you sit next to that kid for a whole semester but 2 years later pretend like you’ve never met when you walk by them on campus. And if you catch their eye and smile, they quickly look the other way or suddenly get a text.
You know exactly what that is.
It’s awkward.

Month to Month

May was not kind to me.
I got in a car wreck.
I got dumped by the nicest, nicest Boy I’ve ever met.
I missed the bus on a regular basis.
It snowed on the 23rd.
June has already proved nicer.
I got a cheap plane ticket home.
Window Boy saved me in my dumpy car.
And now he’s fixing it.
What a hero.
I’m maintaining a decent grade in Spanish.
I’ve been running every day and I feel good.
I’m living vicariously through Miss Marzipan’s love life (an nyoung!)
Jakeb found passes to Seven Peaks water park for half price.
And everything is going to be alright.
Did I mention I’m tan?

Less to Say, More to Do

Long over due for some blogger-y stuffs, I’ve come to realize that I don’t have as much to say… Maybe it’s because I have some more friends these days (although, I’ve just been left by 3 of the more important ones, and more are leaving later this week), maybe it’s because I’ve been working more. Maybe it’s because I’ve been occupied with something that I will maybe tell you about some day soonish or not at all. The point is, I’ve been living life instead of just talking about it all the time. Which is nice. So I’ll spend the next few posts telling you about all the awesome stuffs I’ve been up to. It should be fun. For me, that is.

Also, Spring is here. But it snowed today. And it’s gonna snow tomorrow. So this picture is so appropriate.


It rained a lot last night (and snowed a little this morning). As a result, there were worms all over the sidewalk. I felt the need to pick up the wiggly ones and put them back in the grass. I saved about 50 worm lives today on the way home from school.

What life changing thing have you done with your day?